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История жизни
Декабрь 19, 1914
JohnJames was born in Sunderland.
His father was a grocer and  left the family (When?? why??).
John James (Jack) was one of several sons (How many??) and liked to camp out in fields around his home.

He joined the merchant navy (when??), was torpedoed in the begining of the second world war (what ship?, Where? when?)  and joined the army (when? what regiment?). He became a corporal in the isrish Husars and was a tank driver instructor when they changed horses for tanks (When?).
He saw service in Palistine and met field marshal montgomery.
After the war he became a tool maker for Hoover in High Wycombe where he moved with his young family.
He was crowned Buckinghamshire champion archer (When??).
After his sons left home and he had retired he and his wife Margaret moved to Dibbden Purlieu and he enjoyed sailing with the Hythe sailing club getting a boat of his own (Tomineja). 
He died in Southampton hospital after suffering a stroke in 1991 (precise date??).
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